Peninsula Recap - 5/29/2018
I'd like to thank all 115 players who came out and played at the Peninsula Club on this Tuesday afternoon.
While the forecast was not great, we actually got out and played until we could not play any longer. At 7:30 the Siren sounded and with an hour of daylight and an hours’ worth of severe weather in the area, we had to call it quits with most players having to play only one more hole.
As many of you know, when we cannot complete 18 holes, we are forced to go with the COMMON HOLE method of scoring to ensure that ALL players within a flight are scored on the SAME holes. Any hole that was not completed by a group within a flight were removed.
While final score by flight is decided on the common hole method, Skins and Pins are still awarded based on the holes played.
With that said, our winners were....
Championship Flight
John Heffernan came away with a 1 shot victory over Ryan Smith (Guest) and Wally Love. Ryan took second based on the Scorecard playoff method. Rounding out the top 4 was Scott Patnode.
A Flight
Tom Chambers who came back strong after the initial Rain delay and came away with a 1 shot victory over Whit Fairer. To settle 3rd - 5th we had to go to the scorecard playoff method as we had a 4-way tie. In the end, it was Chris Kin who took home 3rd, Ivan Jones (Central Carolina) who took home 4th and Johnny Moffett who continue his solid play with a fifth place finish.
B Flight
(no pic yet.....)
In the B Flight we had a Tie for 1st and with the weather we had to go to the Scorecards to settle the Tie. In the end it was David Quallebaum who had the advantage over Todd Mozingo. 3rd and 4th had to be settle by a scorecard playoff as well. In the end it was Luke Lavorato who beat out Jim Wittersheim.
C Flight
In the C Flight it Was Jimmy Sullivan (Upstate) who came away with a 2 shot victory. 2nd went to Christian Casper who beat our Larry Hinson on the scorecard playoff. Michael Guarino took home the last paying position.
D Flight
In the D Flight, Eric Herman came away with a 4 shot victory over Chad Oates (Atlanta).