The first major of the 2014 Season was a big success! The two-day event was great fun—many birdies were found on the course and the first two eagles of the season occurred as well! Here is the recap…
The Championship Flight trophy went to Devon Hayes in his first win of the season with a combined score of 159 (81/78)! Devon beat Ryan Smith by three strokes (80/82) and Jerry Resh came in third with a score of 176 (87/89).
The competition in the A Flight was fierce. In the end, Van Stemple edged out Roger Munoz from Tidewater by one stroke! Van shot a 76 on the Lakes course followed by an 82 on the River course for a combined 158. Roger’s total was 159 after shooting a 79 on Saturday and an 80 on Sunday. Third place featured a three-way tie between Nick Johnson (84/82), TZ Jia (85/81) and Philly’s Dave Upchurch (87/79) who all carded a combined 166.
Thomas Hamilton took first place in B Flight for the second time this year by shooting an 84 on the Lakes and 83 on the River. Closely behind him was Bob Tallman (86/83). Only one stroke separated the players in third, fourth and fifth place respectively…Doug Hamacek (86/85), Scott Stewart (85/86) and Mark Weiss (81/91).
We had another first time winner take home the big prize in the C Flight—George Young! George was consistent over the two days and shot 84 on each course. His combined score of 168 was an amazing 10 strokes lower than second place winner Ben Harrison (94/84). Justin Rau came in third after an 86 and 95, only one ahead of Nikhil Patel’s combined 182 (89/93).
Finally, repeat winner Greg Wentzel’s combined 188 earned him first place (93/95). Second place went to Chuck Lineberry who shot an 88 followed by a 104. The only other D Flight player to score a two-day total under 200 was Bertram Reed (100/97).
Closest to the Pin—Saturday (Lakes)
#3 Roger Munoz 3’6”
#8 Alan Dorow 10’10”
#11 Ted Winfield 13’6”
#17 Justin Wilson 15’1”
Closest to the Pin—Sunday (River)
#2 Scott Bujac 3’6”
#8 Imee Stackhouse 13’2”
#13 Ray Wilson 10’
#16 Bob Tallman 7’7”
Championship Skins – Saturday (Lakes)
#4 Devon Hayes
#11 Devon Hayes
Championship Skins – Sunday (River)
A Flight Skins – Saturday (Lakes)
#3 Roger Munoz
#4 Van Stemple
#7 Nick Johnson
#11 Nick Gerstner
#12 Ted Winfield
#13 Van Stemple
#14 Alan Dorow (Eagle)
#15 Nick Johnson
A Flight Skins – Sunday (River)
#3 Nick Gerstner
#6 Russel Cook
#16 Mike Green
B Flight Skins – Saturday (Lakes)
#1 James Steed (Eagle)
#3 Mark Weiss
#4 James Steed
#5 Scott Bujac
#7 James Steed
#9 Steve D’Ambrosio
B Flight Skins – Sunday (River)
#1 Scott Stewart
#2 Steve Ashman
#3 Bob Tallman
#5 Harry Sherman
#8 Thomas Hamilton
#13 Thomas Hamilton
#17 James Steed
C Flight Skins – Saturday (Lakes)
#1 Nikhil Patel
#3 Dan Pastorek
#7 Justin Rau
#8 Nikhil Patel
#14 Nikhil Patel
C Flight Skins – Sunday (River)
#2 Ben Harrison
#6 Nikhil Patel
#10 Justin Rau
D Flight Skins – Saturday (Lakes)
None – Carryover
D Flight Skins – Sunday (River)
#13 Chuck Lineberry
Super Skins – Saturday (Lakes)
#1 James Steed (Eagle)
#5 Scott Bujac
#13 Van Stemple
#14 Alan Dorow (Eagle)
#15 Nick Johnson
#16 Ryan Smith
Super Skins – Sunday (River)
#2 Steve Ashman
#8 Thomas Hamilton
#15 Bob Tallman
#16 Mike Green
#17 James Steed
50/50 Raffle generated a $370 SU2Cancer Donation on Sat./Sun.
$15 Edwin Watts Gift Card—Ryan Smith
$40 Edwin Watts Gift Card—Azim Dhanani
$75 Edwin Watts Gift Card—Dave Upchurch
$180 Cash—Kathy Dhanani on Saturday
$190 Cash—Dorinda Pastorek on Sunday
Waverly Woods (Sunday, May 18th)
Registration Deadline is TODAY...May 8th (midnight)
We are offering some specials!
The first special is for golfers who have registered for the Tour but have not yet paid their membership fee.
If you register and play at Waverly Woods (sign-up here) on May 18th you can get your membership fee reduced by ten dollars to $88. In addition, the DC Metro Tour will donate $10 to our charity, Stand Up 2 Cancer, for each new membership!
The second special is for everyone.
We will donate $10 to Stand Up 2 Cancer for anyone who brings a female guest to the event at Waverly Woods OR for anyone who signs up a new female member. In addition, we will give you three free tickets for the raffle!
We hope this inspires everyone to increase our membership which now stands at 123 paid members. Keep in mind the deadline for registering for Waverly Woods is midnight tonight (May 8th)!
Now that the season is truly underway, you may want to start keeping an eye on the points standings page on the website. Keep in mind that qualification for National Championship requires four tournaments on the DC Metro Tour and placing in the top 10 or so within your flight. It is not too early to begin thinking about your trip to Hilton Head in October!
In the meantime, keep in mind that all tournaments are open for registration and some are starting to fill up. Remember the deadlines for each tournment are seven to fourteen days prior to the event. If you or someone you are recruiting for the Tour have any questions, feel free to contact Tim and/or Dan directly.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please make sure you continue to support our sponsors! We have an updated list on the Tour website (click here). Have you considered sponsoring one of our events? It is a great way to promote a product or business! Perhaps your employer would be interested or maybe you know someone else looking for additional exposure. We have many ways to get involved--talk to Tim or Dan to get details! Proceeds we get from sales generated by using the icons on our site are put back into the DC Metro Tour.