In the Champ Flight, Tony Bostic (72), Washington DC Tour bested the flight of 9 players beating the closest player Mike Hartselle (76), Tidewater Tour by 4 strokes, with Michael Howerton (79), Richmond Tour finishing 3rd, 7 strokes back.
In the A-Flight, Scott Kattwinkel (79), Tidewater Tour bested the flight of 34 players beating the closest player Jason Hall and Bradley Miller (81), Tidewater Tour by 2 strokes for 2nd and 3rd followed by Michael Murphee and Jose Gomez (82) , Tidewater for 4th and 5th respectively. Jordan Flemer (83), Richmond finished in the money at 6th place, on the tiebreaker over Travis Lawson, Richard DeJesus, Ryan Staples (Tidewater) and Robbie Adcock (Richmond).
In the B-Flight, Chuck Rosenfield (85), Washington DC Tour bested the flight of 34 players beating the closest player Robert Cordova (87), Richmond Tour by 2 strokes, with Sean Redmond (88) Richmond, beating out Fredy Carreon (88) on the tie breaker for third and fourth respectively. Brian Harden (89), Tidewater finishing 5th and Joe Benson (90) beating out a cast of players, Brian Browning (90), Richmond; Mike Grant and Joe Harvey (90) Tidewater for 6th place in the money.
In the C-Flight, Aaron Lorenz (85), Tidewater Tour bested the flight of 38 players beating the closest player John Cycyk (87), Richmond Tour by 2 strokes, with Troy Jackson (Richmond) and John Kelliher (DC Metro) (88) for third and fourth respectively. JB Martin and Brian McLin (89), Tidewater Tour rounding out the top 6 in the money.
In the D-Flight, Dre Beaufort (87), Tidewater Tour bested the flight of 25 players beating the closest player Patrick Mangan (90), Richmond by 3 strokes, with Bruce James (91), Richmond finished 3rd, Will Spittle (Tidewater) and Jay Thompson DC Metro (95) and Hudson Dixon, Richmond finishing in 6th place in the money.