Picacho Hills Newsletter


Our first of five MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIPS was successful and full of excitement.

Over 65 Members faced three seasons of challenging weather conditions on Saturday, but the golf on Sunday was truly exciting. 

In the end, we witnessed the triumph of some First-Time Champions, including one of the youngest players on our Tour.

for being the TOURNAMENT SPONSOR!!!
Thank you to all the staff at
we appreciate you hosting us once again
Tournament Results

Champ Flight - This flight would see a close race after Day 1, with only 4 strokes seperating most of the field. On Day 2 anything could happen, and we would see a great performance by one Member, that would make three straight birdies in the last three holes to force our first playoff of the weekend. In the playoff, this same Member birdie the only hole needed to claim the Championship. Ryan Kimbrell would complete the great comeback with a Two Day TOTAL of +9 (153), making this 2nd Overall Victory on Tour. Securing the second place after the playoff hole was Grant Taylor.


A Flight - Following closely, the A Flight featured familiar faces as well as some new ones to shake up the mix. After Day 1 we would have a six stroke lead between half the field, setting the stage for a thrilling conclusion. But on Day 2, it would become a battle between three Members with it coming down to the final hole to determine our champion. Billy Hinojos would enjoy his return to the winner circle with a TOTAL of +23 (167) score making this his 8th VICTORY ON TOUR. Second place would go to the local course legend Dan Duran with a +24 (168). 


B Flight - As usual, the B Flight offered battle until the end. After Day 1 we would have a familiar face as the leader and six others only eight shots back. On Day 2 with all on the line, we would see a battle come down to the final couple of holes where our champion would be determined. Kenny Crowe would claim the championship with a TOTAL of +23 (167) score, marking this his 10th VICTORY ON TOUR & 2nd of the season. Securing the second place was Steven Trevizo with a total of +25 (169). Third place would go to Mario Villa with a +26 (170). 


C Flight - The C Flight would see one Member take advantage of the weather and have a six stroke lead over most of the field. On Day 2 we would see some try to make up the difference, but with two solid rounds we would have our champion. Brian Browning would claim the championship with a TOTAL of +25 (169) and making it his 3rd VICTORY ON TOUR. Sammy Pavia would take second place with a total of +28 (172). Amit Lopes would take third place with a total of +36 (180). 


D Flight - Concluding the event with the final flight, the tournament witnessed an amazing event to the end. After Day 1 we would have the six players chasing the leader, and so much golf left that anything could happen. On Day 2 it would be a battle for 18 holes, and another playoff would be needed.  EXCEPT IT WOULD BE WITH THREE PLAYERS!  In the end, after a 2 hole playoff, we would see  15 YEAR OLD  Evan Guevara claim the championship with TOTAL of +47 (191), making this his FIRST VICTORY ON TOUR. After the playoff, Robin Scheffer would take the second place spot. Scott McCauley would take third and a  PROMOTION TO C FLIGHT! 

Congratulations to all our flight winners this weekend at the
El Paso / Las Cruces Masters


DAY 1 Side Game Winners

Champ Flight Skins

Cody Correa - 3

Ryan Kimbrell - 2

Grant Taylor - 1

Alasdair Forsythe - 1


A Flight Skins

John Cobian III - 2

Drake Wehrs - 1


B Flight Skins

Jordan Morrow - 2

Orlando Almeida - 2

Michael Sauceda - 1

Steven Trevizo - 1

Samuel Florez - 1


C Flight Skins

Luis Stiles - 2

Brian Browning - 2

Martin Gonzales - 1


D Flight Skins

Jose Portillo - 1

Jonathan Barcena - 1

James Miller - 1

Allen Barton - 1

Katie McCauley - 1

Super Skins Skins 

Cody Correa - 2

Grant Taylor - 1

Ryan Kimbrell - 1

Jose Portillo - 1

Alasdair Forsythe - 1

Michael Sauceda - 1

Drake Wehrs - 1

Martin Gonzales - 1


Par 3 Challenge 

Champ Flight

Justin AppleBaum



A Flight

Billy Hinojos


B Flight

Kenny Crowe & Mario Villa



C Flight

Martin Gonzales & Brian Browning



D Flight

Katie McCauley & Lauri Scarsella



DAY 2 Side Game Winners

Champ Flight Skins

Cody Correa - 2

Ryan Kimbrell - 1

Justin Applebaum - 1

Grant Taylor - 1


A Flight Skins

Dan Duran - 2

Billy Hinojos - 1

Robert Baca - 1


B Flight Skins

Steven Trevizo - 2

Jared Lanham - 2

Michael Sauceda - 2

Kenny Crowe - 1


C Flight Skins

Martin Gonzales - 1

Ricardo Almeida - 1

Manny Munoz - 1

Sammy Pavia - 1

Rolando Pavia - 1

Brian Browning - 1


D Flight Skins

Robin Scheffer - 1

Oscar Delgado - 1

Super Skins Skins 

Dan Duran - 2

Martin Gonzales - 1

Cody Correa - 1

Kenny Crowe - 1

Michael Sauceda - 1

Justin Applebaum - 1

Grant Taylor - 1


Par 3 Challenge 

Champ Flight

Grant Taylor



A Flight

Dan Duran & Robert Baca


B Flight

Kenny Crowe



C Flight

Ricardo Almeida & Sammy Pavia



D Flight

Scott McCauley


Posted: 9/19/2022 12:39:45 PM