Good Afternoon All,
Please make sure you read this email so that you are prepared for Sunday!!
The time has come to get our 2025 season started here on the DFW Golfweek AM Tour.
Below is all of the information for this weekends tournament at Sky Creek Golf Club.
When: Sunday, March 2nd
Start Time: 8AM Shotgun Start - This means balls in the air @ 8am.
Check In Time: 6:00am-7:30am.
Check-in table will be located in the banquet room inside the clubhouse. Please make sure you check in with us as soon as you arrive.
For those familiar with Sky Creek Ranch - the banquet room is located just inside the clubhouse thru the double door entry at the top of the hill.
Carts will be staged in the staging area with names and starting holes on them down at the bottom of the hill. Make sure you leave all carts in the staging area.
Warm-up: 6:15am-7:30am.
Balls will be staged on the range. I need all players to please be in your carts at 7:40am. We will do some quick morning announcements and get all players out to their starting holes. I need us to be driving out to our hole assignments by 7:50am.
If you are late we will not wait for you. Players will be DQ'd from the tournament if they miss the start time.
Any potential playing modifications such as lift clean and place, rake and place etc etc will be announced during this time. Make sure you are listening during morning announcements so you do not miss anything. Do not assume we are playing it one way just because that's the way it was in the past. Everything you will need to know for any potential playing modifications will be covered and I need to make sure everyone in the field is on the same page.
Closest to the Pin Holes
All Flights - Holes 4, 8, 11,14 & 17 - Sky Creek has 5 par 3's and we will have CTP markers on all of them.
Tee Boxes
Champ Flight - Black - 6953 yards
A&B Flights - Gold - 6367 yards
C Flight - Blue (front 9)/ Gold (back 9) - 6165 yards
D Flight - Blue - 5940 yards
Pairings and starting hole assignments will be posted on the web site by Thursday morning. From the Dallas/ Ft Worth Golfweek Amateur Tour homepage click on "Tournament Info" and select Tee times/Pairings. Click on Sky Creek Ranch from the drop down. You will see them there once they are posted.
Optional Cash Games
We will have envelopes at the check in table that you will be able to fill out. Just check whatever boxes you want to enter in and put the cash inside the envelope.
All players - we have 131 player field this weekend. Please know what, if any, side games you plan on buying in to and make sure you have the exact cash amount needed to cover these games. We do not bring enough change with us to hand out to 131 player field. If you don't have the correct amount you will run the risk of not being able to buy in to the games of your choosing.
Optional Cash games:
- $20 Super Skins
- $10 Flight Skins
- $10 Closest to Pin
- $10 Deuces
- $5 per ticket for 50/50 Drawing *$20 for 5 tickets
- New Game - $20 Net Game (Champ Flight Only)
Other Reminders
Pace of Play:
All players - please lets make pace of play not only a focal point this weekend, but for the entire season as its going to be critical with the size of our playing fields. We have 2 groups starting on almost every hole this weekend. Please keep pace with the group in front of you. There is never a time you should not see the group in front of you and in most cases be waiting on the group in front. Play ready golf, if you see yourself getting out of position with the group in front of you please make every effort to catch up as quickly as possible. The course is going to have marshals on the course and warnings will be given by them if you get too far out of position. Penalty strokes will be enforced to the entire group if multiple warnings occur.
This weekend I can't afford groups getting out of position with the demand the course is putting on us. I want everyone to enjoy their rounds so please if you see yourself falling behind pick up the pace without having to be told. Don't wait for myself or a marshal to come around and have to warn you. It takes away from the playing experience for the rest of the group and the players behind you.
Play ready golf, make sure you hit a provisional if you think there is any chance a shot has gone OB. If a player in the group is trying to find their ball, the other players in the group need to hit before going and helping to look for it. If by the time everyone in the group has hit their next shot and the ball still has not been found, it's time to take a penalty drop or go to your provisional shot and proceed (whatever scenario applies).
Please make sure you assign one player prior to teeing off who will be responsible for entering scores into live scoring system. Scores should be entered in as soon as you complete each hole. A paper scorecard will also be given to each group and the cart who is not keeping live scoring should be responsible for writing scores down. After completion of round check scores on paper scorecard with scores entered into live scoring and make sure they match. Please return paper scorecards with all players signatures back to the check in table after completion. Once you turn in your scorecard scores will be locked and player score will be final based on what's showing in the live scoring system!!
Triple Bogey Max:
Fights A,B,C and D have a triple bogey max rule. Do not finish out the hole if you reach triple bogey, pickup your ball and be respectful of the rest of your group finishing out the hole. This will also help with pace of play.
Champ flight - No such luck, you must play ball out.
Hazards/OB Markers:
Red & Yellow stakes and all unmarked areas are played as lateral hazards. You have 2 options:
Option 1: If you find the ball, you can play it as it lies with no penalty enforced.
Option 2: Take a penalty drop on the line the ball crossed into the hazard, no closer to the hole, and proceed.
OB Markers are defined by white stakes, property fences, roads and driving range. The driving range is OB and can come into play on holes 1 and 9. Please make sure you hit a provisional before driving up if you think there is any chance a ball has gone OB. Remember, you cannot take a penalty drop from the point the ball crossed in when it comes to OB, you must take a penalty and re-hit from the previous spot.
Spectators are welcome and carts can be rented from the pro-shop based on course availability. Any spectator carts that are made available will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Cart fee would need to be paid directly to the pro-shop.