Fire anthills and french drains are ground under repair. A ball coming to rest in a newly sodded seam or edge may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which is not in either condition. Relief is granted for the ball only and not the stance. The nearest point of relief may be on the sod itself. All edges and seams are considered the same condition.
ONE-BALL RULE IS IN EFFECT - The ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the United States Golf Association. Players must have a marking on the ball they place in play. Note: The GWAT National Championship is played with the One-Ball Rule in effect. (Model Local Rule 8:G-4).
OUT OF BOUNDS - is defined by the inside points of white stakes at ground level, by the inside points of fence posts at ground level, by the inside point of driving range and by the inside edge of paved roads and beyond. Relief is not allowed from stakes or fences that mark OB.
Fire Ants and Snakes - When a player’s ball is near a fire ant mound or a snake that interfere with a player’s stance or swing they are entitled to relief using Rule 25-1b (Ground under repair).
SUSPENSION OF PLAY for DANGEROUS SITUATION - All play must cease immediately. All practice areas will be closed during a suspension of play, until the Committee has declared them open again. ** View the LIVE Scoring for any messages from the Tour Director **
Director & RULES COMMITTEE - Tour Director official-in-charge has final authority on any rulings.
Triple Bogey Max Score except Champ Flight. When you reach Triple-Bogey, please pick up.
Tournament Rules:
If it’s not in this weeks rules, then don’t assume it’s allowed just because we had it once before. Players should listen to the
announcements before the tournament begins.
Abnormal conditions are animal holes, ground under repair (GUR) immovable obstructions or temporary water. General Area Relief / Limits on Location of Relief Area: - Not be nearer the hole than the reference point - Complete relief for: Lie, Stance, Swing
F-4 Extensive Damage Due to Heavy Rain and Traffic Purpose. When heavy rain has resulted in many areas of unusual damage to the course (such as deep ruts caused by vehicles or deep footprints caused by spectators), and it is not feasible to define them with stakes
or lines, the Committee has the authority to declare such unusual damage to be ground under repair.
Model Local Rule F-4
“Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, including areas where spectators or other traffic
have combined with wet conditions to alter the ground surface materially, but only when so declared by an
authorized referee or member of the Committee (Tour Director).
Players should play two balls, and report the situation to the tour director. (Taken a photo on the course of the
situation is allowed)