The Charleston tour ventured over to Edisto Island for their annual Beach Boogoloo at the Plantation course at Edisto. Edisto is always in great shape but yesterday it was in superb shape.
We had a smaller crowd but the golf played was Top notch;
Mike Cobb fired a one over par 71 to hold off Marty Bunch who posted a solid 75. Mark Ducker continued his good play of late, matching Mike Cobb with a 1 over par 71 to hold off Eric Maland (73) who is also playing some good golf lately. The B flight saw Bert Boyd come back with a vengeance as his 77 was just to strong for the rest of the B flight. SamMarano played some of his best golf, fired a smooth round of 80 to hold off David Deese’s 83. Kacey Reeder and Les scholfield battled it out all day with Kacey edging him by two shots! Congrats to all the winners!
Our next event is Caledonia, it will be a sellout, sign up now and pay to secure your spot or just send me a note committing yourself to the tournament. Tim