Roger Mitterling
Posted: 1/6/2009 10:20:01 AM

(September 16, 1968- January 3, 2009)
To All Amateur Golf Players,
This is the hardest email I have ever had to write. Roger left us to join the Lord on Saturday night. Roger fought the cancer with everything he had but the disease was to big to conquer. Dennis, Joe, Jimmy and I visited with Roger on Saturday morning and he was suffering incredible pain. Roger was one of the kindest people I have ever known. He had a heart full of love and a passion for golf and people. Roger will be missed by many and we know that he thought of all of you as family. When we started Upstate Golf Services 12 years ago, Roger played a big role in the development of the Tour. Roger's family is doing well. They were with Roger everyday over the last 2 weeks at the hospital including Christmas Day and New Years Day. Please pray for them as they cope with their grief. We will be dedicating the 2009 Tour Season in Roger's memory. The Carolina Cup will now be known as the Mitterling Cup in honor of Roger. The last couple of days, we have been thinking about all the good times we all have had and how important the tour was to Roger and all of us. The memories will always be with us, cancer cannot take that away.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers, without them I do not know how we all would have coped with this great loss.
Larry Lee
Here are the arrangements for Roger's visitation and funeral:
Wednesday Evening Visitation (6:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
Floyd's Mortuary in Spartanburg
Thursday Afternoon Funeral (4:00 PM)
Floyd's Mortuary in Spartanburg
Drive from Floyd's to burial plot in Boiling Springs
Roger did not want anyone wearing suits so the dress attire is polo shirt and slacks just like you would wear on a golf course.
Golf is a great game for the small things it does, like placing people like Roger in our path.