Tour News
Many of you read our web site’s front-page story titled “Golf is a great game for the small things that it does, like placing people like Roger Mitterling in our path.” Roger was not only a fellow tour director but a dear friend that we lost to cancer in 2009. In honor of Roger and the many Tour members that have been touched by cancer, the AGT is dedicating the 2010 season to winning the fight against cancer. Why join the fight with the Stand Up To Cancer Organization? In September of 2008, celebrities all touched by cancer hosted a one hour special on all 3 major networks. The tagline was “This is where the end of cancer begins.” The show was to raise funds for a new initiative, Stand Up To Cancer, created to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research that will get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives. SU2C's goal is to bring together the best and the brightest in the cancer community, encouraging collaboration instead of competition. Stand Up To Cancer fights all types of cancer and gives grants to the top cancer researchers in every field to find a cure for cancer in our lifetime. The clincher for us was that every penny donated goes to research. If you did not see this special, we challenge you to go to http://www.standup2cancer.org/theshow and view the show. We are sure that you will be as moved as we were. After losing Roger and reflecting on how many of our Tour members’ and directors’ lives have been affected by cancer, we knew we had to try to make a difference. As a team, The egolf Amateur Tour and its members can stand up and help win the fight against cancer. To jumpstart our fundraising initiative, we had a fundraising raffle at at our 15th National Tour Championship in Hilton Head, SC. We were able to raise almost $1000 by raffling off packages for trips to Hilton Head, generously donated by local Hilton Head businesses. Click here to view and support these businesses. During the 2010 season, the initiative will continue with donations being accepted through the website and at tournaments. In addition, special team fundraising events will be held throughout the 2010 season, culminating at the 2010 National Tour Championship in October. We invite you to join our team, invite others to join, and give all you can to give others the chance to swing another day. For information on how to get involved and make a difference, please email us at standuptocancer@amateurgolftour.net.
Please Join the egolf Amateur Tour in Standing Up To Cancer